I have always enjoyed art though I never would have imagined ending up where I am today. As a child I was quite fond of dinosaurs and wanted very much to be a paleontologist. As I grew older I was introduced to the fantasy genre and took up a liking of mythical creatures I saw in games and movies. These were truly inspirational to me, entire worlds full of so much that ours didn't have. By the end of high school I had taken to creating my own creatures and worlds in my spare time. When it came time to choose what I wanted to do for college I looked to inspirations like Industrial Light and Magic for their dinosaurs in Jurassic Park and various game studios for their fantastic worlds. Someone out there is making the magic happen, I thought, and it could be me.
Several years of college later I had had a chance to really develop my artistic talents in both 2d and 3d fields. My passion is still for those fantastic creatures that originally inspired me and I now hope to put myself to use as a creature designer or modeler making the kinds of things that I so loved as a child. I want to help to create the next generation of movies and games in hopes that future generations might look at my work and be inspired.